Science Resources



Science Bob - Experiments

If you’re interested in science and love doing experiments, check out this website! It’s full of awesome projects and explains the science of the results of each experiment.

A Resource Guide For Science Nerds

This resource is a MUST if you’re looking for new science experiments to try! Thank you to one of our students, Molly, for recommending this resource!

Science Fun - Experiments

Science Fun is great for easy and fun experiments. It has experiment instructions, scientific explanations, jokes, trivia, and more! Hope you have a lot of fun.

Chemistry and Science Experiments for Kids

Chemistry and Science Experiments for Kids not only supplies great resources for starting your own science experiments at home, but also lists useful glossary terms, helpful to any student interested in science!

Go Science Girls - Experiments

Go Science Girls is a wonderful website that looks to empower young girls and minorities in the STEM field. This link will take you to a list of 100 fun household experiments in a wide range of concepts!

BASF Labs - Simulation Lab

If you’re hoping to explore science online, you’re in luck! BASF Labs allows users to experiment virtually just like they would in a real lab. It includes some exciting games as well, and will be a fun challenge to take on.

A2Z Homeschooling - Experiments

This link has some fun food experiments in every science category -from chemistry to earth science- and helps inspire the scientific method of thinking!

NASA Kids Club

Fun games and great resources for kids interested in outer space and travel!

Khan Academy Science Courses

Who doesn't love Khan Academy? Try one of their science courses, which are designed for students of all skill levels!

STEM Activities for Kids - Experiments

Great for engaging kids in DIY science experiments!

Tower Electric Bikes (For Kids) - Experiments

Take a dive and do some fun electrical experiments! This site is perfect for all little engineers.