

FitOn App

Create an account with the website and it will provide you with loads of different exercise videos to follow along with! Anything from total body workouts to dance ones. You can choose different target areas, times, and intensities as well!

Ace Fitness Workouts

If you are looking for some quick, 25-minute workouts to do then this is the site for you! All workouts are geared towards children aged 5-12.

Parents - Exercise Videos

Here is a list of workout videos that are fun for the whole family! These are recommended by family fitness experts and can be done inside.

Cosmic Kids Yoga - YouTube Channel

Find many fun yoga videos made for kids! There are different lengths of videos to choose from. As well as videos with different themes ranging from yoga for gratitude to yoga for bedtime!

A Kid’s Guide to Health and Nutrition

Here is a comprehensive guide to healthy living for kids! Special thank you to one of our students, Molly, and her family, for recommending this resource!